Fifteen years ago we got our first puppy, a pomeranian we named Django. We read a book about poms which described them as, "robust and lively dogs". Django lived up to that reputation. He ran away at least once a week until I finally figured out he was climbing the fence. We thought he might like a friend and when he was two we adopted Chili a rescued dog. She walked in the house walked straight up to Django grabbed his scruff in her mouth and yanked straight down causing Django to flip over on his back. Chili was top dog from that day forward. That was the one and only time she pulled that stunt. Django was so passive he wouldn't even eat until Chili gave her consent. The two dogs never really played together or slept together. The only way you could tell they cared about each other is if Chili yelped Django would come to her rescue.
Last week Chili died of congestive heart failure and Django, a diabetic, refused all food for seven days and slipped into a diabetic coma today. These two dogs who lived together for thirteen years died a week apart, just like an old married couple. We'll see how the cat fares after the death of his best friend, Django.
There are a million funny stories about Chili, but the top photo sums up how bossy Chili could be. Notice how she has the cat shaking in his boots...not. She was also the kind of dog who would stay by your side if you were sick. During one illness I had Chili refused to leave my bedside to eat or go potty. When Jerry picked her up to carry her outside she bit him so hard he dropped her. Every day when Jerry kissed me goodbye she growled and yipped until he backed off. She followed me wherever I went in the house. Even with a broken leg she refused to remain immobile.
They both brought us a great deal of joy and heartache. Chili was hit by a car, injuring her back right leg. A kennel visit resulted in severe nerve damage to her front right leg. A stroke a couple of months ago weakened her two left legs. Poor dog had damage to all four legs in the end. I told Jerry that I never had a down day in the last fifteen years. No matter what went on out there, I would come home to pure love and adoration.