Jerry has been teaching guitar for 26 years. If I had to guess I would say he has taught about 1500-2000 students. There are a handful that standout and Carolyn is close to the top of the heap. Her mom called Jerry a year and a half ago to ask for lessons for her seven year old. Jerry does not usually want kids younger than nine. There is a developmental stage for each instrument. Violin- age 3, piano-age 7, guitar-age 12. For some reason kids motor skills at age 3 allow them to do well with violin. You want a great musician start them out on violin at three, introduce piano at seven and let them start messing around with guitar at ten or twelve. I digress. Carolyn's mom asked Jerry to give her a chance saying something to the effect of, "You won't be sorry." Jerry relented and, let's see how can I sum up Carolyn. She can burp the entire alphabet. She plays a mean blues. She will sing at the top of her lungs for anybody (except her parents). Every week she and Jerry make up a new song and she creates lyrics on the fly while Jerry plays for her.
Well even though we are not moving for a while Carolyn's parents decided to beat the rush and switch to another teacher now instead of waiting until 30 people are looking at once. A couple of months back when Jerry told Carolyn that he would be moving, she kicked him, hard, and then she kicked him again.
Today was the last lesson and they both got a little teary eyed at times. Carolyn drew Jerry the cutest picture of the two of them standing under a rainbow. There were a few special moments, but as they were saying goodbye Jerry told Carolyn that when she gets older she and her brother (a drummer) should form a band. He said, "I will fly back to see you play." Carolyn responded back:
"No offense, but you will probably be dead by then."
Needless to say she brought several nearby adults to the point of tears, they were laughing so hysterically. Jerry will miss Carolyn and I will miss the weekly stories.
1 comment:
Ah, so cute! I bet Jerry feels so much joy in passing along his gifts to others. Carolyn sounds like such a cutie pants!
Thanks again for the art suppies etc. from your storage unit! I'm excited to sign up for that painting class.
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