About a year ago this terra cotta pot, which I have had for years, cracked and broke. In fact the whole back side of the pot is gone. I placed the pot near the trash cans, intending to throw it out one week when there was a smaller amount of trash. I forgot about it and in the middle of the summer I noticed that this beautiful grass was growing in the broken pot. It looks like it was planted there by design, as it is growing perfectly centered and you cannot tell that the pot is even broken. This photo was taken yesterday while the grass is still dormant the beauty comes through.
I guess even broken things can be made beautiful if the right thing is done, either by accident or by design.
AFter we moved into our brand new home in Oregon, we had a small kitchen fire. Oil fire and water DON'T MIX!! The flames shot right up to the ceiling, scorching one of my favorite plants along with it. I set the plant outside, not ready to throw it in the trash. Well, darned if the thing didn't grow back about 6 mo. later! Today I have it right behind my kitchen sink! Amazing!
I keep trying but I never bloom.
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