I have the cutest little office and yet when you look out the windows you would think that I am in the worst ghetto. Even a year and a half ago it did not look this bad. Directly across the street are two historic Victorian houses. They had some charm and they were occupied by two nice families.

For some reason they moved out and within a week or two graffiti started to appear. Then gang members started hanging around in front. Apparently people were squatting in the house on the right for a couple of weeks. A dispute led someone to start a fire on the front porch which quickly spread up to the roof. Literally two or three weeks of vacancy led to the desctruction of a beautiful historic house. Even when humans try to destroy nature creeps back in and beautifies.
I see that house everytime I walk to the post office or bank and think what a shame it is that it turned out the way it did. I wonder what the owners are doing about it?
P.S. Thanks for sharing some of your insight on family history within the church and the Jewish community...vey interesting. (I really hope you don't get stabbed in the heart!) :)
Thanks Annie! For those who are wondering... I posted a reply to an listserv about how the Mormons had done the Jewish community wrong, by posting links to two articles one written by Brother Christopherson of the LDS church and the other in Avotaynu the Jewish genealogy journal. If you read both you could clearly see the truth of a situation inn which some Jewish genealogists were claiming ongoing victimization by the LDS. In response one noted genealogist emailed me privately and said, " If ever I chance to meet you I will stab you in the heart."
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