Sunday, April 1, 2007

Myceneaen Creed

In conference President Hinckley mentioned that other Christian churches use the Myceneaen Creed as a basis for their beliefs. While I knew a little bit about the creed I did not realize that it was still the basis for modern religions. I did a little research and here is what I found:

In 325 the First Council of Nicaea was held and the bishops of the Christian Church were given free travel and accommodation. They came together to discuss whether Arianism or Trinitarianism would prevail. In essence they made a scholarly decision whether God created Jesus or whether God was Jesus. Joseph Smith heard directly from God the Father that Jesus was his beloved son. We do not rely on a written creed, created by man, for our beliefs. We rely on Heavenly Father's word. How often I have relied on the written word of man for guidance, instead of turning to prayer.


mb said...

conference was so good.I have a new blog (my personal online journal) (no, it isn;t suppose to sound conceited!!)
love ya!!!

Lainie said...

Very interesting! We are so blessed to know the truths we have. The First Vision leaves no question about the nature of God.