Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I could post a dozen pictures of our trip to Yellowstone, but nothing can match seeing a grizzly in the wild. This was Jerry's first trip to Yellowstone. I went a few times when I was a kid and it looks nothing like I remember. The 1988 fire was HUGE!!! 

We saw every animal imaginable and had some great picnics in the snow. Our mantra became, "Where's the bears?" We did not see a single one...until...we were heading home and just before we hit the main road after checking out at Grant's Village we saw a couple standing on the side of the road. We asked, "What do you see?" Grizzly was the answer.

Holy Cow! We stood and watched the bear graze all over the hillside for a half hour before it disappeared over a ridge. We pulled onto the main road and I wondered aloud if the bear might be nearby because of the position of the ridge. We pulled the car over and ducked into the bushes. There 25 yards in front of me was the bear. 

Oh my gosh!!!

Has it really been three months since I posted? Wow I am such a slacker. Well it turns out that I would need another two to four years of education to practice as a counselor or therapist in the state of Utah. It is a pretty special feeling to have a masters degree with absolutely no occupational value whatsoever. 

Anyway... In the last three months I have:
been to Nashville
paid for doggie dental surgery "OUCH" 
been to Yellowstone
been looking for a real job

Genealogy just doesn't pay. My clients send me money and then I do the work so I feel that I am perpetually in debt to my clients. I have to figure out another system.