Saturday, April 21, 2007


I have little compassion for drunk drivers. I think it is a really terrible decision to drink to excess and then drive. The possible outcome can be life altering and I don't appreciate anyone who takes chances with my life. Tonight or this morning, depending on one's perspective, at about 1:30 a.m. I was driving home on 280 after visiting family in Santa Clara. I was driving 55 because of a construction zone when a white sedan cruised past going about 70-75, not super fast, but weaving quite a bit. At one point the car steered towards a work crew missing them by five or six feet, running over some orange cones in the process. I had that thought, "Where's a cop when you need one?" Maybe two minutes later a highway patrol car passed me in a hurry and a couple of miles down the road I saw that the white car had been pulled over.


Lainie said...

Sweet. Don't you love to see them get caught! Its a hard lesson to learn - but it probably saved a life or two!!!

Kathy said...

It was a relief to know that this person was probably only arrested for DUI, not for vehicular manslaughter.

Annie said...

That's when I love the cops!