Saturday, May 19, 2007

I'm a Utahn now!

OK I must be the worst packer in the history of the world. I spent close to 30 days packing, I am talking nearly every waking minute and in the end my brother and I spent 21 straight hours trying to finish the last few (many) details. I left a huge pile of garbage for Jerry to deal with later. I also left a huge goodwill pile, which I am sorry to say includes a microwave which started arcing on the last day. Weird how it gave out the very last time I needed to use it. I forgot to include a note for those who go to take things, not to endanger their lives with the microwave.

I also forgot to mention that the stuff in the bedroom closet is for Jerry when he visits at the end of May, so please leave the bathroom and bedroom items for him. I left in such a hurry that I did not remember to write directions.

I left behind a few good things, which I hope my friends will take. I learned that I don't need STUFF and I learned that it feels way better to give my STUFF to friends and charity than to earn a few bucks at a garage sale. Did you know that garage sales are banned in many Southern California cities because they realized that break-in and sexual crimes often happened in neighborhoods within a day of a garage sale being held. If someone advertises childrens toys and clothes the pedophiles get a chance to come and scope out the kids and where their bedrooms might be located.

I digress. My brother and I spent a hellish two days with only about three hours sleep and then we drove 15 hours to Utah. Luckily we made it in one piece, but the grief is just starting to hit me. I am missing my friends sooooo much. I did not really realize how much of a routine I had. Bunco on the first Wednesday of the month, Board meeting and general meeting of the genealogy society on the second and fourth Wednesday. Every Tuesday and Thursday in the family history center. I met Jerry at the music store on those nights and we would stand around the counter shooting the breeze. Jerry called the store yesterday and both he and the person on the phone burst into tears. The reality is starting to hit us. We will probably never see many of our friends again and all because Marin is super unaffordable. We love our house and I know we will have a good life, but it is a shame that we have to leave behind so many beloved long-term friends. It is very, very sad!