When I first moved to Marin seventeen years ago I used to drive the backroads almost every weekend. I loved finding hidden spots and I had a lot a free time since my husband worked weekends back then. Here are some of my favorites:
Roy’s Redwoods
Take Sir Francis Drake Blvd West past Woodacre. When you see the golf course take the next right onto Nicasio Valley Drive. Drive about ¼ mile Just past the crest of the hill when you see the pond on the left pull over to the right shoulder. At the end of the dirt shoulder you will see an iron gate. Walk through the gate and you will enter a long narrow meadow. Walk to the top of the meadow and you will be in the redwoods. The trails are circular and fairly easy hiking; this is me talking so I know most of my friends will have no trouble. Even with a toddler I would say that if you can get up the first slope about 100 feet the rest is a gentle climb. It is difficult to get lost as all the trails circle back. In about 20 minutes you will be at the top of a hill with panoramic vistas. Roy’s Redwoods is open sunrise to sunset and there are no fees. The redwood grove is where they filmed the flying scenes from the first Star Wars movie.

French Cheese Factory
Located on Point Reyes Petaluma Road about ½ mile south of where Novato Blvd. ends.
http://www.marinfrenchcheese.com. Take a tour, taste the cheese, sit by the pond and have a picnic.

The Town of Nicasio has an all-American charm that is worth seeing.

Bon Tempe and Lake Lagunitas
Go to Fairfax and turn left just past the Naft gas station, make an immediate right on Broadway and your next left on Bolinas. At 700 Bolinas Road there is a wooden sign on your left saying “Lake Lagunitas”. Make that left turn onto Sky Oaks Road; go up approximately 1/4 mile and Sky Oaks Watershed Headquarters is on the left at the crest of the hill. You are also at the entrance to Lagunitas and Bon Tempe Lakes. Park and the lake is right there, no hiking. There is a flat trail that goes part of the way around the lake.
If you continue for several miles past the Sky Oaks headquarters turnoff you will come to Bon Tempe Lake. There is a dam and a parking area, which leads to trails. If you continued for many more miles on this road you would eventually emerge near Bolinas, but give yourself an hour to make the drive.
Road from Fairfax to Bolinas/Stinson Beach

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