After posting like crazy I hit a dry spell. First I got a terrible cold and then I got a new client. I have been super busy. Oh yeah! I also started teaching Sunday School. I am trying to finish up my website. I wrote a proposal for a book. I started working on a custom calendar for genealogists and I am slowly packing up the contents of my house. I still work in the family history center eight hours a week. Let's see what else?
When you put it down on paper it is pretty overwhelming, but in reality it is just normal life for me. I have no complaints! Except one. I left a single glass in the sink today and what do you think my husband said as soon as he walked in the door? Yep, you guessed it. How come you can be wonder woman and they will still notice the one thing left undone?
When I look back on the course of my life I have to wonder if it was random or by design. How did I end up with this person and this life? Jerry and I had the same upbringing, same house, same neighborhood, same parents, and the same siblings. When I say "same" I just mean it is uncanny how similar our lives were before we met. Especially considering we were born eleven years and two states apart. We were both at the same Lionel Richie concert in Madison Square Garden in 1986. We both got free tickets at the last minute. Neither one of us particularly enjoyed Lionel Richie's music, but neither one of us can pass up a free concert. Each of us had a grandparent die one day apart in 1969. The first time we met, we spoke briefly and then went our own ways without exchanging names. Four months later we happened to meet again at the same place in San Francisco where neither one of us lived.
The times when I wonder if there was another man out there who wouldn't have cared if I washed a glass, I just remember that there is a higher power looking out for my best interests, who led Jerry into my life for a reason that may not always be apparent to me.
1 comment:
True that girl! It so good that you know he's the one for you so little things don't become big things in marriage...I had no idea how parallel your lives have been...don't think any of that was pure coincidence.
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