I watched a documentary called, "Take Joy: The Magical World of Tasha Tudor". What fascinated me about her was not that she chooses to live as if it is 1830 or that she writes and illustrates childrens books. What I found fascinating about her life was the devotion she showed to making sure her children had a happy childhood. Her daughter described leaving for school in the morning and knowing that when she arrived home in the afternoon she might have received a piece of mail from a mouse who lived in the house and liked to write letters. I believe they called it "mouse mail". Tasha would write little love notes in script so small that it looked as if a mouse might have written the letter. Tasha created a world where her children could dream and create.
Reminds me of the book "Sophie's World".
Such a cute idea. You can't love a child too much!
What a great idea! I wanna do that!!
I'll have to watch the documentary! Way cool. Have you figured out comment moderation yet?? :)
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