Monday, March 5, 2007

Things are not always what they seem

My cat is nearly seven years old and fairly predictable. I have had him since he was four months old. He used to bring live salamanders home. Who knew salamanders could scream? After I rescued the second salamander from Kitty's clutches he stopped bringing his playthings home. Six years later I was surprised when I opened the front door and found a dead bird on my door mat. The kitty was a few feet away meowing in a very strange way that almost sounded like a question. Mewwww?

I scolded the kitty and closed the door as Jerry reminded me that cats are carnivores. I said, "I know, but what I don't know won't bother me." I could not believe that the cat would lay a dead bird on my door step.

Two days later as I approached the front door, and the sun was hitting it just right, I noticed a splotch of blood and feathers near the top of the door. The bird had flown into the door and the kitty had simply discovered the bird. I jumped to the wrong conclusion, despite knowing better.


Unknown said...

This drove me nuts, someone told me that my cat was proud and bringing me presents. My solution. Lots and lots of catnip. She was too happy to hunt.

Unknown said...

Oh yeah. The bell helped too, I noticed one in the picture. The birds etc. heard her coming.

Annie said...

I too have heard that when your animal brings home other smaller dead animals it is their way of giving a's their love language! Who would have thought!